Am 16. Mai erwarten wir Besuch aus Arizona: Die Legendären Golden Boots & Gene Tripp kommen zu einem exklusiven Konzert in die POLKA Bar am Pariser Platz.

Golden BooTs (Tucson, AZ, USA)
Tropical cowboys Golden Boots, continue to create their unique and diverse music distilled from the dusty depths and strip malls of the American southwest. Part rock, part country, part absurdity, and all weird, the toe-tapping ramshackle hydra that is Golden BooTs transforms again into their latest incarnation, the “Tropical Trio”.
Founding members Dimitri Manos and Ryen Eggleston have teamed up with long-time collaborator and potential group hallucination, tidypaws, to form one the most unique arrangements of the group in their wildly varying 15 year history. Armed only with an electric guitar, omnichord, saxophone and their wits, the Boots have released a new album „H.A.L.T.“ and hit the road to bring the weirdness to the world.

Gene Tripp (Phoenix, AZ, USA):
Gene Tripp is downer cowboy blues. Think Lee Hazelwood meets Ian Curtis from Joy Division. Gene Tripp recently released their first EP – Happy Plaza.

POLKA Konzert No. 11: Golden Boots & Gene Tripp
16. Mai 2017
20.00 Uhr einlasse / Beginn gegen 21.00 Uhr
Eintritt: 10 Eur


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